The Sigma Files

The creation of this substack is inspired by US Airman Aaron Bushnell who self-immolated outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC on February 25 2024, in protest of the Gaza Genocide. However we may consider the morality of his act to be, it is undeniable that he reminded free people worldwide that something must be done for the people of Palestine. This is a humble attempt to take a step in that direction.

Main topics include news, global politics, and culture. Though this substack was created primarily to discuss Palestine and Israel, we also make room for worldwide news coverage, discussions on politics and history of other regions, and discussions on society and culture. We take contributions from authors publishing under aliases, anonymously or their names. Please email us at if you would like to contribute.

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Subscribe to The Sigma Files

The creation of this substack is inspired by Airman Aaron Bushnell who self-immolated protesting the Gaza Genocide. Main topics include news, politics, and culture. We take contributions from authors publishing under aliases, anonymously or their names.


The Sigma Files takes contributions from authors publishing under different names: their own, pen names, anonymously, or a combination. We hope you enjoy reading our publications. Please email us your contribution at